stage performer & digital creationist

Hello there! I'm Landry Barb II, a seasoned performer turned web designer and developer with a passion for helping entertainment industry professionals shine in the digital spotlight. Here, you'll get a glimpse into my unique background, the services I offer, and the seamless process I follow when crafting your online presence using webflow

a headshot of Landry

The Fusion of Art & Digital Expertise

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With a foundation in the performing arts, I bring a distinctive approach to web design. My process begins with getting to know you as an artist. Understanding your creative vision is at the core of what I do. Leveraging my design expertise, I ensure that your website not only embodies your unique style but is also user-friendly. I recognize that performer's websites must captivate attention and make key information easily accessible to agents, casting directors, and your audience.

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Discovery of your goals for the website withing your brand

What’s the websites motivation? What are the primary goals you hope to achieve with this website? It’s like character development for your website

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Features and Functionality

Any specific features you'd like to include (e.g., media players, trailers, behind-the-scenes clips, fan interactions). Do you have a preferred e-commerce platform for selling merchandise or tickets?

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Services I offer

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content review & information architecture

We will look at your content and figure out what is most imortant to keep for the primary goal of your website. A large film production supply company needs different details than a young solo artist just starting out.

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web design & development

I will research your industry to understand what the current trends are and design an engaging UI that can compete and help you stand out which is vital for entertainment professionals.

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interactivity & Functionality

In the world of entertainment, showcasing your work is paramount. I weave interactivity into your website, connecting crucial elements like demo reels and audio clips. This seamless integration allows users to experience your talent in a clean and clear manner, enhancing your online presence.

Fields I work with

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Production / Talent Agencies


'Dance / Studios / Schools


Stage / Screen


Music / Concert Halls


Game / Studio / Developer


Voice Artists

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your digital stage starts here

let's connect

Interested in collaborating? Reach out to me through social media or contact me via email at to learn if we have good on screen chemistry.

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